Healthy and strong.

By taking your ARVs everyday, you can achieve all the benefits of viral load suppression.  Read on to learn how you can achieve U=U*.

*Undetectable = Untransmittable.
Theresa French
Interface Designer

When you achieve U=U, you can:

Live a long and healthy life.
Have a strong body  to fight off illnesses.
Look and feel great.
Visit the clinic less often when you are stable on treatment.
Collect your medication at convenient pick-up points without visiting the clinic.
Safely have sex.
Not pass HIV to your unborn baby.

The 5 steps to reach U=U

Start Taking ARVs. Get tested for HIV. If you are HIV+, start taking ARVs and visit the clinic as prescribed by your HCP.
Start Here
Have your 1st viral load test to see if you are U=U. 3 months after starting ARVs your HCP will draw your blood for a viral load test.
Treating HIV with ARVs
Find out if you are U=U. 4 months after starting ARVs find out if you are U=U . Go to the clinic and your HCP will tell you if your test results show you are U=U.
Learn What U=U is
Confirm you still are U=U. Keep taking your ARVs every day. Visit the clinic after another 6 months for a 2nd viral load test to see if you have kept U=U.
Stay U=U. Keep taking your ARVs every day. Have a viral load test every 12 months to ensure you stay U=U.
Live a long and healthy life
Look and feel great
Have a strong body

U=U Clinics Near You  

Begin your journey to U=U by visiting one of these Health Care Facilities for more information.
 All of these facilities will be able to answer your questions about U=U.

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Know Your Status

Empower yourself by learning the basics of HIV.  The first step is to get tested.